

Wall Street’s Dead End
By Felix Salmon
The stock market has been big news in recent days. Last week’s report that Deutsce Borse, a giant German exchange, intends to buy the New York Stock Exchange, creating a company worth some $24 billion, arrived shortly after the Dow broke the 12,000-point barrier for the first time since before the financial crisis.

These developments drew headlines because they seemed to exemplify significant trends in the American economy. But look at America’s stock exchange more closely, and there’s less to them than meets the eyes. In truth, the stock market is becoming increasingly irrelevant—a trend that threatens the core principles of American capitalism.

These days a healthy stock market doesn’t mean a healthy economy, as a glance at the high unemployment rate or the low labor market participation rate will show.

The Tea Party is right about one thing; What’s good for Wall Street isn’t necessarily good for Main Street.

And the Germans aren’t buying the New York Stock Exchange for its commoditized, highly competitive and ultra-low-margin stock business, but rather for its lucrative derivative operations.


The stock market is still huge, of course; the companies listed on American exchanges are valued at more than $17 trillion, and they’re not going to disappear in the foreseeable future.

But the glory days of publicly traded companies dominating the American business landscape may be over.

The number of companies listed on the major domestic exchanges peaked in 1997 at more than 7,000, and it has been falling ever since.

It’s now down to about 4,000 companies, and given its steep downward trend will surely continue to shrink.

Nor are the remaining stocks an obvious proxy for the health of the American economy. Innovative American companies like Apple and Google may be worth hundreds of billions of dollars, but most of them don’t pay dividends or employ many Americans, and their shares are essentially speculative investments for people making a bet on how we’re going to live in the future.

Put another way, as the number of initial public offerings steadily declines, the stock market is becoming little more than a place for speculators and algorithms to compete over who can trade his way to the most money.

What the market is not doing so well is its core public function: allocating capital efficiently.

Apple, for instance, is hugely profitable and sits on an enormous pile of cash; it is thus very unlikely to use its highly rated stock to pay for an acquisitions.

It hasn’t used the stock market to raise money since 1981, and there’s a good bet it never will again.

Meanwhile, the companies in which people most want to invest, technology stars like Facebook and Twitter, are managing to avoid the public markets entirely by raising hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars privately. You and I can’t buy into these companies; only very select institutions and well-connected individuals can. And companies prefer it that way.

A private company’s stock isn’t affected by the unpredictable waves of the stock market as a whole. Its chief executive can concentrate on running the company rather than answering endless questions from investors, analysts and the press.

There’s much less pressure to meet quarterly earnings targets. When the stock does trade the deals can be negotiated quietly, in private markets, rather than fall victim to short-term speculation from the high-frequency traders who populate public markets. And companies love how private markets allow them to avoid much of the regulatory
burden of being public.

That burden comes largely from the Securities and Exchange Commission, which was created in the wake of the 1929 stock-market crash to protect small investors. But if the move to private markets continues, small investors aren’t going to need much protection any more; they’ll be able to invest in only a relatively handful of companies anyway.

Only the biggest and oldest companies are happy being listed on public market today. As a result, the stock market as a whole increasingly fails to reflect the vibrancy and heterogeneity of the broader economy.

To invest in younger, smaller companies, you increasingly need to be a member of the ultra-rich elite.

At risk, then, is the shareholder democracy that America forged, slowly, over the past 50 years.

Civilians, rather than plutocrats, controlled corporate America, and that relationship improved standards of living and usually kept the worst of corporate abuses in check.

With America Inc. owned by its citizens, the success of American business translated into large gains in the stock portfolios of anybody who put his savings in the market over most of the postwar period.

Today, however, stock markets, once the bedrock of American capitalism, are slowly becoming a noisy sideshow that churns out increasingly meager returns.

The show still gets lot of attention, but the real business of the global economy is inexorably leaving the stock market—and the vast majority of us—behind.


内田樹 レヴィナスによる鎮魂について



non-dit)はテクストの重みの下に生き絶え、文字のうちに埋没してしまうだろう。懇請は個人から発する。目を見開き、耳をそばだて、解釈すべき章句を含むエクリチュールの全体に注意を向け、同時に実人生に、都市に、街路に、同じだけの注意を向けるような個人から。懇請は、そのかけがえのなさを通じて、そのつど代替不能の意味を記号から引き剥がすことのできる個人から発する。」(Emmanuel Levinas, L'audela du verset,p136)」




大澤真幸 「正義」を考える

物語とは、「価値ある終結へと関連づけられている出来事の連なり」のことです。 P26


「解釈学的内面化hermenuetic internalization)ができないタイプのリスク。

誰かが、リスクと呼べるような、さまざまなひどい出来事に遭遇し、心身に傷を負うとする。ところが、その出来事に遭った被害者が、その傷を、どうしても内面化できない。つまり、それを自分で受け入れることができない。自分の運命だったとか、仕方がないこととして、引き受けることができない。そのようなリスクが、新しい傷です。当事者にとって、いつまでも外在性や疎遠性を保ち続けているリスクが新しい傷です。 P29









第2章 正義の諸理論
制度にとっての究極の価値が正義であるとは、ある制度にいろいろな意味で都合がいいことがたくさんあったとしてもそれが正義にかなっていなければその制度はダメだということです。 P36












Primer for Hiring Execs
Andreessen Horowitz prefers funding companies whose CEO is a co-founder.

We also prefer founders who are technical.

Put the two together, and you often have a CEO who has to hire executives into roles (e.g., marketing, sales, customer support, finance )she has never done before.

How in the world do you interview and recruit someone for a role you’ve never done before? Start with Ben’s latest blog post “Hiring Executives: If You’ve Never Done the Job, How Do You Hire Someone Good?“.

Hiring Executives; If you’ve never done the job, how do you hire somebody good?

The biggest difference between being a great functional manager and being a great general manager—and particularly a great CEO—is that as a general manager, you must hire and manage people who are far more competent at their jobs than you would be at their jobs. In fact, often you will have to hire and manage people to do jobs that you never done. How many CEOs have been head of HR, Engineering, Sales, Marketing, Finance and Legal? Probably none.

So, with no experience, how do you hire someone good?

Step 1; Know what you want.

Step 1 is definitely the most important step in the process and also the one that gets skipped most often.

As the great self-help coach Tony Robbins says; “if you don’t know what you want, the chances that you’ll get it are extremely low.” If you have never done the job, how do you know what to want?


First, you must realize how ignorant you are and resist the temptation to educate yourself simply by interviewing candidates.

While the interview process can be highly educational, using that as the sole information source is extremely dangerous.

In particular, doing so will make you susceptible to the following traps;
・ Hiring on look and feel—It sounds silly that anyone would hire an executive based on the way they look and sound in an interview, but in my experience look and feel is the top criteria for most executives searches. When you combine a CEO that doesn’t know what she wants and a board of directors that hasn’t thought much about the hire, what do you think the criteria are?
・ みかけと印象で雇用する。そんなわけないと思うかも知れないが、世の中のエクゼクティブサーチ会社は候補者をこの基準で取り揃えているということに注意しなければならない。
・ Looking for someone out of central casting—This is the moral equivalent of looking for the Platonic Form of a head of sales. You imagine what the perfect sales executive might be like then you attempt to match real-world candidates to your model. This is a really bad idea for several reasons. First, you are not hiring an abstract executive to work at an arbitrary company. You must hire the right person for your company at this particular point in time. The head of sales at Oracle in 2010 would likely have failed in 1989. The VP of engineering at Apple might be exactly the wrong choice for FourSquare. The details and the specifics matter. Second, your imaginary model is almost certainly wrong. What is your basis for creating this model? Finally, it will be incredibly difficult to educate an interview team on such an abstract set of criteria. As a result, everybody will be looking for something diffirent.
・ 理想型を追い求める。あるべき役割に現実の候補をあてはめようとしてもうまくいかない。特定の時期に、特定の会社にとって、特定の役割を果たすべく、人を採用するのであり、抽象的な理想型を雇うのではない。2010年のオラクルの営業のヘッドは、1989年には役にたたない可能性が高い。アップルのエンジニアリングVPは、FourSquareには不適切なはずだ。詳細が重要なのである。第二に、理想型は必ず間違っているからだ。最後に、インタビューチームに採用方針を理解させるのが困難で、皆が少しずつ違った候補を探してくるはめになる。
・ Valuing lack of weakness rather than strength—The more experience you have, the more you realize that there is something seriously wrong with every employee in your company (including you). Literally, nobody is perfect. As a result, it is imperative that you hire for strength rather than lack of weakness. Everybody has weaknesses; they are just easier to find in some people. Hiring the lack of weakness just means that you’ll optimize for plesantness.愉快Rather, you must figure out the strengths you require and find someone who is world class in those areas despite their weakness in other, less important domains.
・ 弱さがないことを評価しすぎてはいけない。どんな人間でも必ず強さと弱さがある。弱さがないことを目指して採用すべきではない。特定の分野での圧倒的な強さのある人間を、他の、あまり重要ではない分野での弱さよりも重視して採用すべきである。

The very best way to know what you want is to ac in the role.

Not just in title, but in real action—run the team meeting, hold 1;1s with the staff, set objectives, etc..

In my career, I’ve been acting VP of HR, CFO, and VP of Sales.
私は、人事のVP,CFO, 営業担当のVPなどの経験がある。
Often CEOs resist acting in functional roles, because they worry that they lack the appropriate knowledge.

This worry is precisely why you should act—to get the appropriate knowledge.

In fact, acting is really the only way to get all of the knowledge that you need to make the hire, because you are looking for the right executive for your company today not a generic executive.

In addition to acting in the role, it helps greatly to bring in domain experts.

Figure out which of those strengths most directly match the needs of your company.

If possible, include the domain expert in the interview process.

Finally, be clear in your own mind on your expectations for this person upon joining your company.

What will this person do in the first 30 days?

What do you expect their motivation to be for joining?

Will they instantly have 10 reqs to hire or with they have 1?

Step2;Run a process that figures out the right match

In order to find the right executive, you must now take the knowledge that you have gathered and translate it into a process that yields the right candidate.

Here is the process that I like to use.

Write down the strengths you want and the weakness that you are willing to tolerate
The first step is to write down what you want.

In order to ensure completeness, I find it useful to include criteria from the following sub-divisions when hiring executives;
・ Will the executive be world class at running the function?
・ 経営層は特定の機能を運営する上で世界クラスか?
・ Is the executive outstanding operationally?
・ その経営者は業務運営面で傑出しているか。
・ Will the executive make a major contribution to the strategic direction of the company? This is the “are they smart enough?” criteria.
・ その経営者は会社の戦略的な方向性に大きな貢献をするか。十分に賢明かという基準である。
・ Will the executive be an effective member of the team? Effective is the key word. It’s possible for an executive to be well liked and totally ineffective with respect to the other members of the team. It’s also possible for an executive to be highly effective and profoundly influential while being totally despised. The latter is far better.
・ その経営メンバーはメンバーとして有効か。有効というのがキーワードである。ある経営メンバーが人としてすかれるが、チームの他のメンバーと比較して、有効ではない可能性もある。あるメンバーがかなり有効でかなり影響力があるが、チームからは嫌われる可能性もある。後者の方がはるかに良い。

These functions do not carry equal weight for all positions.

Make sure that you balance them appropriately.

Generally, operational excellence is far more important for a VP of Engineering or a VP of Sales than for VP of Marketing or CFO.

Develop questions that test for the criteria

This step is important even if you never ask the candidate any of the pre-prepared questions.

By writing down questions that test for what you want, you will get to a level of specificity that will be extremely difficult to achieve otherwise.

As examples, below I include questions that I wrote for running the enterprise sales function and operational excellence.

Questions for head of enterprise sales force

Is she smart enough?

・ Can she effectively pitch me on her current company?
・ 現在勤めている企業について効果的なセールスピッチが伝えら得るか。
・ How articulate is she on the company and market opportunity that you are presenting to her now?
・ 候補者がどれだけ、あなたが説明している企業と市場チャンスについて明晰に理解しているか。
・ Will she be able to contribute to the strategic direction of your company in a meaningful way?
・ 候補者は意味のある形であなたの会社の戦略的方向性に貢献できるだろうか。

Does she know how to hire sales people?
・ What is her profile?
・ 候補者のプロフィールは
・ Ask her to describe a recent bad hire
・ 最近の雇用での失敗について訊ねよ
・ How does she find top talent?
・ どのように優秀な人材を見つけるか
・ What percentage of her time is spent recruiting?
・ 自分の時間のどのくらいをリクルートにあてているか。
・ How does she test for the characteristics she wants with her interview process?
・ インタービューの中で、自分が求める性質を候補者が持つかどうかをどうやってテストしているか。
・ How many of her current people want to sign up? Can you reference them and validate that?
・ 現在採用しているスタッフの何人が、あなたに参加するか。レファレンスをとって確認することはできるか。
・ Could you pass her sales interview test? Should you be able to pass?
・ 候補者のインタビューテストを貴方は合格できるか。
・ Does she know how to hire sales managers?
・ 営業部長の雇い方を知っているか。
・ Can she define the job?
・ 候補者は職を定義できるか。
・ Can she test for the skills?
・ 候補者はそのスキルのテストができるか。

Is she systematic and comprehensive on how she thinks about sales process?
・ Does she understand the business and the technical sales processes?
・ 候補者は事業を理解し、技術的販売のプロセスを理解しているか。
・ Does she understand benchmarking, lockout documents, POCs, demos?
・ 候補者はベンチマーキング、ロックアウトドキュメント、POC,デモを理解しているか。
・ Does she know how to train people to become competent in the process?
・ 候補者は人々がこのプロセスの中で有能になるように訓練するにはどうすればいいかを知っているか。
・ Can she enforce the process?
・ このプロセスを強制できるか。
・ What is her expectation of her team’s use of the CRM tools?
・ 自分のチームがCRMツールを使うことに関して、どのように期待しているか。

How good is her sales training program?
・ How much process training vs product training? Can she describe it in detail?
・ プロセス訓練とプロダクト訓練の配分は。それを詳細に説明できるか。
・ Does she have materials?
・ 資料は持っているか。

How effective is her sales rep evaluation model?
・ Can she get beyond basic performance?
・ 基本的パフォーマンスを超えることができるか。
・ Can she describe the difference between a transactional rep and an enterprise rep in a way that teaches you something.?]
・ 取引実行型担当者と大企業担当者の違いを説明できるか。それで何か学ぶところがあったか。

Does she understand the ins and outs of setting up a comp plan?
・ Accelerators, spiffs特別報奨金, etc,etc.

Does she know how to do big deals?
・ Has she made existing deals much larger? Will her people be able to describe that? Has she accelerated the close of a large deal?
・ 既存の取引をより大きなものにしてきたか。候補者のスタッフをどうやったかを説明できるか。大規模取引のクロージングを加速してきたか。
・ Does she have customers that will reference this?
・ このことについてのレファレンスに応じてくる顧客はいるか。

Does she understand marketing?
・ Can she articulate the differences between brand marketing, lead generation, and sales force enablement without prompting?
・ ブランドマーケッティング、リード作り、営業部門強化の違いについてはっきりと説明できるか。

Does she understand channels?
・ Does she really understand channel conflict and incentives?
・ チャネル間の対立やインセンティブについて本当に理解しているか。

Is she intense enough?
・ Will the rep in Wisconsin wake up at 5 am and hit the phones or will they wake up at noon and have lunch?
・ ウィスコンシンの担当者は5時におきてすぐに電話をするのかそれとも、12時ぐらいに起きて、ランチを取るのか。

Can she run international?

Is she totally plugged into the industry, how quickly can she diagnose?
・ Does she know your competition?
・ 競合他社について知っているか。
・ Does she know what deals you are in right now?
・ 今、この会社がどういう取引をしているか知っているか。
・ Has she mapped your organization?
・ 候補者はこの会社の組織図がわかっているか。

Operational excellence questions

Managing direct reports
・ What do you look for in the people working for you?
・ 自分の部下に何を求めるか。
・ How do you figure that out in the interview process?
・ インタビュープロセスではそれをどのように考えるか。
・ How do you train them for success?
・ 部下を成功させるのにどのように教育するか。
・ What is your process for evaluating them?
・ 部下をどのように評価しているか。

Decision making
・ What methods do you use to get the information that you need in order to make decisions?
・ 意思決定をするために、必要とする情報を得るためにどのような方法を用いているか。
・ How do you make decisions (what is the process)?
・ どのように意思決定を行うか。(プロセスはどうなっているか)
・ How do you run your staff meeting? What is the agenda?
・ スタッフミーティングをどう運営しているか。アジェンダは何か。
・ How do you manage actions and promises
・ 活動や公約をどのように管理するか。
・ How do you systematically get your knowledge?
・ どのように体系的に知識を得ているか。

Core management processes—please describe how you’ve designed these and why?
・ Interview
・ Performance management
・ Employee integration
・ Strategic planning

Metric design
・ Describe the key leading and lagging indicators for your organization
・ 自分の組織の、主要な先行指標、遅行指標を説明する。
・ Are they appropriately paired? E,g. do you value time, but not quality?
・ 適切なペアになっているか。時間を評価しているか、クオリティを評価していないか。
・ Are there potentially negative side effects?
・ 潜在的にネガティブな副次効果はないか。
・ What was the process that you used to design them?
・ 設計するためのプロセスは何か。

Organizational design
・ Describe your current organizational design
・ 現状の組織デザインを説明する
・ What are the strengths and weaknesses?
・ 何が強さで何が弱さか。
・ Why?
・ なぜか
・ Why did you opt for those strengths and weaknesses (why were the strengths more important)?
・ 強みと弱みを選んだのはなぜか(なぜその強さが重要だったのか)
・ What are the conflicts? How do they get resolved?
・ 対立は何か。そのように解決されているか。

・ If your best executive asks you for more territory, how do you handle it?
・ もっとも有能な経営メンバーがより多くのテリトリーを要求した場合、どのように処理するか。

Describe both your process for promotion and firing
・ How do you deal with chronic bad behavior from a top performer?
・ トップパフォーマーの慢性的な悪い行動に対してどのように対処するか。

Less tangible
・ Does she think systematically or one off?
・ 候補者は体系的に考えるか、その場その場の思考か。
・ Would I want to work for her?
・ この候補者の下で働きたいか。
・ Is she totally honest or is she bull shitty?
・ 完全に正直か、大言壮語まじりか。
・ Does she ask me spontaneous incisive questions or only pre-prepared ones?
・ 自発的に鋭い質問を自分に対してしたか。それともあらかじめ用意したようなものばかりだったか。
・ Can she handle diverse communication styles?
・ 多様なコミュニケーションのスタイルを処理できるか。
・ Is she incredibly articulate?
・ 信じられないくらい明晰か。
・ Has she done her homework on the company?
・ あなたの会社について予習してきていたか。

Assemble an appropriate interview team and conduct the interviews
The next step is to assemble the interview team.
In assembling the team, you should keep two questions in mind;
1. Who will best help you figure out whether or not the candidate meets the criteria? These may be internal or external people. They can be board member, other executives or just experts.

2.Who do you need to support the decision once the executive is on board? This group is just as important as the first. No matter how great an executive is, they will have trouble succeeding if the people around them sabotage everything they do. The best way to avoid that is to understand any potential issues before the person I hired.

Clearly, some people will be in both groups 1 and 2.

The options of both groups will be very important group 1 will help you determine the best candidate and group 2 will help you gauge how easily each candidate will integrate into your company. Generally, it’s best to have group 2 interview finalist candidates only.

Next, assign specific questions to interview based on their talents. Specifically, make sure that the interviewer who asks the questions deeply understands what a good answer will sound like.

As you conduct the interviews, be sure to discuss each interview with the interviewer. Use this time to drive to a common understand of the criteria, so that you will get the best information possible.

Backdoor and front door references
For the final candidates, it’s critically important that the CEO conduct the reference checks herself. The references need to be checked against the same hiring criteria that you tested for during the interview process. Backdoor reference checks (checks from people who know the candidate, but were not referred by the candidate) can be an extremely useful way to get an unbiased view. However, do not discount the front door references. While they clearly have committed to giving a positive reference (or they wouldn’t be on the list), you are not looking for positive or negative with them. You are looking for fit with your criteria. Often, the front door references will know the candidate best and will be quite helpful in this respect.

Step 3: Make a lonely decision
Despite many people being involved in the process, the ultimate decision should be made solo. Only the CEO has comprehensive knowledge of the criteria, the rationale for the criteria, all of the feedback from interviewers and references and the relative importance of the various stakeholders. Consensus decisions about executives almost always sway the process away from strength and towards lack of weakness. It’s a lonely job, but somebody has got to do i


転換社債VS株式 フレッド・ウィルソン

Some Thoughts On Convertible Debt
Seth Levine has a long and thoughtful post on convertible debt vs equity. If you are an entrepreneur or active in the angel/seed sector, you should read it. He wrote it in response to Paul Graham's tweet that said:
ポール・グラハムのツイートに対して、Seth Levineが書いたCB対株式についてのコメント。

Convertible notes have won. Every investment so far in this YC batch (and there have been a lot) has been done on a convertible note.

I am sure that Paul was talking about angel/seed rounds and was not suggesting that convertible debt has "won" as the preferred financing structure in the venture capital business. But since our firm does participate in select angel/seed rounds, this was interesting to me.

I have been doing venture capital for 25 years now and have also done many angel investments personally along with my wife. We have never done a convertible debt round. That run may soon come to an end if Paul is right. Maybe I will have to join the convertible debt parade.

But I don't like convertible debt for a host of reasons.

It used to be that convertible debt was a lot easier and cheaper to do legally. But with non-negotiated "light series A docs" from most top venture law firms out there, you can do a Series A Preferred for less than $5000. And these light Series A documents focus on economics not control and governance, just like converts do. So to me that is not a valid argument for doing convertible debt anymore.


It still is true that negotiating valuation can be very tricky in an angel round and it may be better to defer that negotiation until the next round. That is what convertible debt does. But I am a sophisticated investor. I do this for a living. I can negotiate a fair price with an entrepreneur in five minutes and have done that for a seed/angel round many times. So I don't think that argument applies to an investment I am making either.


Fans of convertible debt argue that debt with a valuation cap is no different than a priced equity round. That is true if the valuation cap is the same as the valuation that the investors would pay if it was equity. But if that is the case, then the entrepreneur is getting screwed. He or she is agreeing to either take the valuation that would have been offered, or something lower if the next round is lower. That is not a good deal for the entrepreneur.

In truth. there are many convertible debt deals getting done right now with very high valuation caps and some with no valuation caps. In that instance, we are simply seeing the impact of limited supply vs excess demand come into play in the angle/seed market and we need to call this what it is - a price increase.

And that is what I think Paul is actually seeing. He has done such a good job with Y Combinator and his leadership and vision has inspired a wave of seed and angel investment in web services that is unprecedented. That wave is creating price expansion. It is a seller's market and will be for some time to come. And then things will settle down. And when they do, I think we will see the angel/seed market return to a more normal place. A place where priced equity deals between entrepreneurs and sophisticated investors is the norm.

Of course, I could be wrong about all of this. It could be wishful thinking so that I don't have to eat my words and do a convert. That may well happen. Maybe very soon. Maybe my next deal. But I won't be happy about it.



















城山三郎「男子の本懐」(新潮文庫) P37



















